7 Tips For Content Marketing Strategy in 2020 - You Must Know

Let's talk about content: what to write, how to write it, how and when to publish it.

Here is my Guide:

1. Initial assessment

1. Decide which content is of most interest to your customers.

If you believe that your current and future customers are also among your readers, you can analyze which are the themes of your blog or the posts you publish on your Social Networks that arouse greater interest. If you haven't already done so, you can install and configure Google Analytics and learn how to use Facebook Insights.
Be careful, however, not to confuse the interest in a "professional" theme on which you are aiming to build authority over the contents created to create pure engagement on your FanPage (for example).

  • Create a GA Top Content Report
  • Analyze the most interesting content on Facebook
  • Analyze the most relevant content on Twitter


  • Google analytics
  • Facebook Insights
  • Facebook Analytics platforms such as SocialBakers, PageLever, Agorapulse
  • SEO plugins like Scribe, SEO for Yoast can help you choose the best keywords
  • Google Trends helps identify trends and hot topics

2. Analyze your personal reputation

By means of this analysis you should understand which are the issues for which you are recognized as authoritative and trustful, on which you have built reputation and credibility. You can check the skills based on the endorsements received on your LinkedIn profile, or based on how many views, likes and downloads of the presentations or videos you have published on Slideshare or Youtube have been.

Analyze your credibility and reputation by topic with social influence tools such as PerIndex, Klout and Kred.


  • Blog Analytics
  • Slideshare Analytics
  • Youtube Insights
  • Klout
  • PeerIndex
  • Kred

3. Establish Your Content-Based Goals

Define your goals and metrics to measure it. If you want to be recognized as a Content Marketing expert in Italy, you will need for example:

  • Rank first on Google for some keywords related to content marketing (SEO metrics)
  • Be mentioned and mentioned in social conversations when it comes to content marketing (Brand topic metrics)
  • Make your posts on the topic generate reverberation, create discussion and participation (Engagement topic metrics)
  • Make sure that your ebook on the topic and your presentations and videos reach a certain number of downloads and views

In short, you must take into account your goals in terms of:

  • Reach: how many people you reached with your content
  • Acquisition: how many of these you have converted into leads (newsletter subscription, followers / fans, followers on LinkedIn, Slideshare, subscribers of your Youtube channel etc.,)
  • Conversion: how many have become customers
  • Loyalty: how many are loyal customers, or have even become Advocate

Difficult to calculate the value of a Lead. In my opinion, a newsletter subscriber is worth more than 1 fan and less than one person who downloaded your ebook. To give a weight to a value to the actions and thus calculate the value of a lead (lead scoring) you need to have a marketing automation system that manages the cultivation (nurturing) and classification (scoring) of the leads.

You can define your goals in terms of visibility earned (earned media), own (owned) and paid (paid).

You must therefore translate your Digital or Social goals into business goals. If you cannot track the customer journey individually, you will not be able to confidently associate a return on investment with your content marketing project.

Your very concrete goal, as far as I am concerned, could be:

  • sell your course or bundle of Content Marketing KIt consisting of: Ebook, video tutorial, classroom course
  • get consultancy projects on content marketing

You can measure these metrics today and bring a SMART quantitative target between here and 6 months


  • Kissmetrics, FoxMetrics and other personal analytics tools
  • Unbounce, LeadPage and other tools to optimize lead generation
  • Sitovivo and other web marketing intelligence and marketing automation platforms

3. Create the Content

Define a content creation plan that will fill the gap between what your goals are and what instead results from the perceived network. List the content that can qualify you, highlight it


  • existing content
  • content to be developed from scratch
  • already published content (to be updated and republished)

4 . Select content objects

Determine which are the best editorial and digital formats to convey your content. Don't limit yourself to words, think of images, sound and videos. Consider 2 large families of content

Some examples:

  • Newsletter
  • Post, tweet
  • Ebook
  • Images, infographics
  • Videos (product, tutorial),
  • Webinar
  • Case study

Here is an example template:

  • Content-matrix
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook

According to Michael Seltner, Launch author, and founder of SocialMediaExaminer, we can distinguish 2 types of content:

  • Routine, low-impact content (a blog post, an article, an infographic)
  • High impact explosive contents (Ebook, Video, Book

Tools: those that help create, share and publish an editorial plan are fundamental.

5. Spread on Social Channels

Once you have identified the contents, established one or more formats with which to process them, taking into account the funnel stage and your target you have to think about how to spread them, how to make them walk in time. You need to create an editorial plan, and a viral content spreading plan.

Here are some applications and plugins to create a Social calendar and plan the sharing and dissemination of your content.

  • Postplanner
  • Compendium
  • Kapost
  • Coschedule

6. Promote Your Content

  • Spread, promote, encourage and facilitate the engagement and sharing of your content.
  • Post your content within interest groups, communities, dedicated groups on Facebook, LinkedIn.
  • Create contests, dedicated tabs on your FanPage, organize Twitchat
  • Identify influencers and invite them to preview and comment on your content

7. Measure the Results

Monitor your performance, analyze how your perceptual gap is narrowing between how you would like to be considered authoritative and influencer for some topics and how you are actually perceived.

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