10 Reason Why SEO is the Best Marketing Channel During Coronavirus Times

This article is full of super short generalized claims … be careful or even better comment:

1) SEO is a mid- / long-term channel
It will anyway need some time to see improvements.

2) Technical SEO isn’t connected to campaigns (in most cases)
A faster website, with more schema markups and some proper sitemaps … is independent from you campaigns. All future content pieces will profit. So that’s something you can do now perfectly. 

3) SEO is a pull marketing channel
Of course users are maybe not searching in Google for your service now during Corona crisis. But it’s much worse if you push something to users at the wrong time. Pull channels will still bring all the people who are left as a potential customer.

4) SEO data can help you to estimate demand decline because of Coronavirus
Check impressions in Google Search Console. Here for one keyword. Stable CTR, stable position but a drop in impressions / demand.

Now (because Google is really good indicator) you know better what to expect in general.

5) SEO content is in many cases evergreen content.
If you now do a great content piece about gardening this will work next year, too. Even if you now do a good quality content piece about travel it’s likely that people will stumble over it after Corona. If you do an out of home travel advertisement now, when people have to stay at home, it’s just burning money.
If you now create content which is amazing for people being at home / in quarantine that might even be a short term win. Stuff like this might be interesting if you spend hours with Netflix.

6) SEO is possible in homeoffice
You don’t need any sales people meeting clients for SEO. It’s possible purely digital. No risk to get infected.

7) SEO is an ongoing process
As mentioned before many things in SEO are not related to a campaign, but ongoing technical and content optimization.

8) There is a lot to learn in SEO
Use the not so busy time to improve SEO skills, thus your better off if humanity switches back to normal.

9) SEO is not just a marking channel for user acquisition.
If you do it more holistic you improve UX, speed, your general content, … because this helps SEO too. So a lot of more options in SEO to focus on “not current campaign”-stuff.

10) I could imagine that many people google more these days
Also because of being bored. Search engines are pretty good in entertaining you.


Dear SEOs, what’s missing. Please comment. 

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